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Nominations & Voting

Voter Registration

It is important that you play an active role in deciding how your child will be educated. Continuous voter registration is available in the office of the District Clerk from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session, for both the Copiague School District and Copiague Public Memorial Library. For more information, contact the District Clerk at 842-4015. Residents who have voted or registered at any Annual or Special School District meeting or election held within the last four (4) years or have voted at a general election or been registered with the Board of Elections of Suffolk County within the last four (4) years, are eligible to vote.

If you would like to register to vote, you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Be 18 years of age or over
  • Be a resident of the Copiague School District for at least 30 days prior to the votingA blue button with white text that reads 'FOR DEPARTMENT FORMS CLICK HERE' and a white icon of a stack of papers. Below the button is the text 'CUFSD DOCUMENT DATABASE'.


Military Voter Registration Application

This application registers someone in the military who is not a registered voter at any Annual or Special School District meeting or election held within the last (4) years or has not voted at a general election or been registered with the Board of Elections of Suffolk County within the last four (4) years. This application will only register you to vote in the School District only. You may apply to register as a qualified voter of the district by contacting the District Clerk, Please indicate how you would like to receive the application - by mail, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail.


Absentee Ballot Application

An application for an absentee ballot must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be issued to the voter in person. If you wish to request a ballot due to the potential for contracting Covid-19, please check off the temporary illness box in Section 1. Applications may not be submitted more than 30 days prior to the election.

Registro del Votante

Es importante que usted desempeiie un papel activo en la decision de c6mo su niiio sera educado. El registro continua de votantes esta disponible en la oficina del Secretario/a del Distrito de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes, cuando la escuela esta en sesion, tanto para el Distrito Escolar de Copiague como para la Biblioteca Publica Memorial de Copiague. Para mas informacion, comuniquese con el/la Secretario/a del Distrito al 842-4015. Los residentes que han votado o se han registrado en cualquier reunion o eleccion anual o especial del distrito escolar celebrado en los ultimos cuatro (4) aiios o han votado en una eleccion general o han sido registrados en la junta electoral del Condado de Suffolk en los ultimos cuatro (4) afios, son elegibles para votar.

Si usted desea registrarse para votar, usted debe:

  • Ser un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos
  • Tener 18 aiios de edad o mis
  • Ser un residente del distrito escolar de Copiague por lo menos 30 dias antes de la fecha de


Solicitudde Registro de Votantes Militares

Esta aplicacion registra a alguna persona militar que no este registrado como votante en ninguna Reunion Anual o Especial del Distrito Escolar o eleccion sostenida en los ultimos cuatro (4) afios o no ha votado en una eleccion general o no ha estado registrado en la Junta de Eleccion del Condado de Suffolk en los ultimos cuatro (4) afios. Esta aplicacion solo lo registrara para votar en este distrito solamente. Usted puede solicitar registrarse como votante calificado del distrito comunicandose con la Secretaria del Distrito, dvanflorcke@copiague.netPor favor, indique como desea recibir la solicitud - por correo, transmision por fax o correo electronico.


Solicitud de Boleta Ausente

Una solicitud para una boleta de voto ausente debe ser recibida por el/la Secretario / a del Distrito por lo menos siete dias antes de la eleccion si la boleta debe ser enviada al votante, o el dia antes de la eleccion si la boleta debe ser emitida al votante en persona. Si desea solicitar una boleta electoral debido a la posibilidad de contraer Covid-19, marque la casilla de enfermedad temporal en la Secci6n 1. No pueden enviarse solicitudes mas de 30 dfas antes de la elecci6n.