We would like to thank you for taking part in our new process of completing athletic participation paperwork online. This new automated process will allow us to be more efficient in handling the forms as well as saving valuable resources.
• To access the online forms, select “Proceed to Online Forms”. You will see a list of Paper documents to manually turn into the school (if applicable) and a list of Electronic Forms to be submitted online.
• Click on the form name and fill out the information requested.
• To sign the document, click inside the signature box and hold your mouse over the box. This will allow you to create an “Electronic Signature.” If you make a mistake and need to start over, click the refresh icon next to the signature box.
To access a physical copy, click on the Download/Print tab to print off a blank copy. Take this with you to your child’s physical appointment and after completion please return to the Athletic Trainer or Athletic Office.
For questions please contact the Athletic Department |