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High School Students Get a Special Lesson in Korean Culture

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Students in Ms. Santaly and Ms. Marcedo’s visual storytelling and foreign films studies classes at Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School had a special visit from members of the Korean Spirit & Culture Promotion Project on April 10.

Younhee Shin and Kyung Pak spoke to students about Korean history and culture globally, emphasizing both historical contributions and modern innovations that Korea shares with the world. Students watched a video called “Hangul: The Language of Compassion.” Created by King Sejong in the mid-15th century, Hangul aimed to democratize the written language, making it more accessible to the general population than the Chinese characters used at the time and improve living standards.

Ms. Shin and Ms. Pak highlighted modern advancements in Korea, including digital innovations like mobile check-in for doctor’s appointments, prescription orders, digital payments, and advancements in medical procedures. Students then created their own authentic Korean lantern to take home and enjoy.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/15/2024