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Loving Literacy at Deauville Gardens West

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The first grade classes at Deauville Gardens West Elementary School are working hard on their reading and writing lessons this November.

The students in Ms. Howe’s class created a “we are special” book filled with each student’s one-of-a-kind portrait and writing about what makes each of them special. The students worked interactively on what makes them special to create their own page in the book.

Ms. Krause’s class recently conducted an author study, focusing on the work of author and illustrator Kevin Henkes. The students read five of his books and analyzed his writing style.

In Ms. Cuhna and Ms. Skurnick’s class, students have been working on their reader’s notebook and creating entries along with illustrations. The students also worked together on a writing a memory story from their experience at the Halloween parade.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 11/13/2023