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Senior Attends Leadership Conference

Picture of Hadasa Argueta-Botzec thumbnail251607
Last year, Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School senior Hadasa Argueta-Botzec was chosen by the social studies department to participate in the Angelo Del Toro Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute.

Hadasa was one of 60 participants representing Long Island at the student leadership conference. She had the opportunity to work with members of the NYS Assembly to debate current bills and participate in a mock assembly. She was selected as one of the outstanding student leaders because of her excellent participation throughout the event. Hadasa stood out among her peers in training, leadership and overall performance. Thanks to her hard work, she was chosen to travel with other students to Washington, D.C., last June, where she met members of Congress and visited the House of Representatives while it was in session.

Hadasa once again stood out among her peers and was chosen to attend the Somos conference, where she will spend five days in Puerto Rico from Nov. 8-12. She will participate in legislative workshops and a day of service. “These experiences have helped me to connect with my peers and hone my leadership and communication skills,” Argueta-Botzec said.

Date Added: 11/6/2023