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Staff Members Gather for Conference Day

Dr. Kathleen Bannon Talking thumbnail249230
James McCabe Speaking thumbnail249232
Dr. Johnathan Krawchuk Speaking thumbnail249233
Copiague School District welcomed back staff to kick off the 2023-2024 school year with Superintendent’s Conference Day on Sept. 5 at the Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School auditorium. Staff were asked to bring nonperishable food items for donation to the local community.

Copiague School District’s Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kathleen Bannon reminded staff of her longstanding motto: “if it’s good for kids, it’s good” as they start off the year. Assistant Superintendent for Student Services James McCabe spoke to staff members about health protocols and the district’s new Director of School Safety Robert Sparkes addressed safety measures in emergencies.

Dr. Jonathan Krawchuk, executive director of technology, data and assessment, spoke about some of the new standards set by the district in terms of its one-on-one technology initiative.

Copiague School District’s Board of Education First Vice President Anthony S. Pepe thanked staff members for their dedication, commitment and passion for the students. “You instill knowledge; you foster creativity; and you ignite flames of curiosity of young minds,” he said. “You create a safe haven where students not only learn facts but learn to believe in themselves.”

Prior to staff heading back to their respective buildings, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Todd Andrews called staff members with 20, 25, 30 and 45 years of service to the district to the stage to be recognized and honored.

Date Added: 9/7/2023