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Copiague Middle School

Physical Education

Mr. William Bennett
Copiague School District Athletic Director
(631) 842-4010

 Ms.Olsen, Mr.Broadbent, Mr.Rebholz, Ms.Havdoglous

Welcome to the Middle School Physical Education Department.  It is my hope that together we will be able to afford your child the vision of the importance of Physical Education in the total school program.

We have in our Middle School a well-planned and diversified program in Physical Education.  Our entire staff is extremely dedicated to the implementation of a sound and effective Physical Education program.

We feel strongly that through our Physical Education, Intra-Mural and Inter-Scholastic Athletic programs we offer the opportunity for the development of a sound body, a sound mind and a happier and healthier youngster.

Classroom rules in Physical Education
1.Be in place, in gym clothes, 5 minutes after bell rings (students are given 5 minutes at the beginning and end of each period to change their clothes).
2.Being prepared for class = sneakers & change of clothes (shorts, T-shirt, sweatpants, sweatshirts).
3.  Raise hand to be recognized before speaking.
4.  Enter locker room doors, gym doors will be locked for those who are late.
5.  Good sportsmanship is expected at all times.
6.  NO Jewelry is to be worn at anytime during class
7.  Have fun!

Consequences for breaking the rules (except #6).
I.Unprepared = 5 points off grade each time

1x & 2x = warning
3x = phone call home
4x = detention
5x = warning of failure/ parent teacher conference requested

1x = “time out” (5 minutes out of activity)
2x = sit out for the entire class
3x = phone call home/detention
4x = referral to principal

3 points off grade each time